Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our Upcoming Election
I was visiting with another teacher this last week that I knew always voted for the Democrat. I, as anyone that knows me would understand, am a fairly conservative guy, almost always vote republican. I was mentioning how I was really confused how to vote this time. I don't see a candidate who aligns with my views but Obama and Clinton both scare me. Obama REALLY scares me. Although I totally agree that there are times when people need help to make ends meet, I believe our government encourages people to sit on their butts with all of the entitlement programs we have and Obama wants to extend those programs. What does that matter to me? Where does that money come from? Our pockets/taxes. Yes, it's the same thing about the war. I wish we wouldn't have done that either...that has costs us tons of money. Anyway, this teacher and I were discussing issues and discovered that we agreed on almost everything including....illegal immigration HAS to stop ( she is an immigrant but came here legally), smaller government, the war shouldn't have happened but we can't just leave, stem cell research needs to go forward, abortion shoudn't happen (but I say it should be illegal and she stops short of that), lower taxes and STOP giving people more money for having more babies they can't afford anyway.

I think this is the way most of us in this country feel. We won't agree on all issues. If we did, this would be a boring place to live. But why do we insist on having democrats that are left of left and republicans that are right of right? Having said all of that, you would think that I would love voting for a republican that is not right of right. That would certainly be McCain. Even Huckabee isn't as right wing as most people think (he isn't a true fiscal convservative). With these as our (conservatives) choices, I just can't get excited. About the only reason I plan on voting at all is that too many men and women have died to give me that right AND it's hard to justify complaining about it later if you didn't bother to vote to begin with.